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Bill Moyers Says...
The Nation, Nov. 19, 2001
Which America Will We Be Now?

"We are in what educators call a teachable moment.  We'll lose it if we roll over & shut up."

He continued "What's at stake is Democracy. Democracy wasn't cancelled on September 11, 2001, but Democracy won't survive if citizens turn into lemmings.  If the mercenaries and the politicians-for-rent in Washington try to exploit the emergency and America's good faith, to grab what they couldn't get in open debate in peacetime, the disloyalty will not be in our dissent but in our subservience..."

"The greatest sedition would be our silence.  Yes, there's a fight going on - against terrorism around the globe, but just as certainly there's a fight going on here at home, to decide  the kind of country this will be during and after the war on terrorism."