Political Parties
& Orgs
Democratic Party - this link takes you to the brand new www.Leadership02.com , hosted by Al & Tipper
Gore. Great resource page for various Democratic Party organizations.
Party - GOP Team Leaders You'll
need to sign up as a team leader. It's worth it. Among other things, find all the
phone numbers for talk radio stations across the country.
Green Party - Important - Al & Ralph
should talk.
Reform Party
Libertarian Party - 3rd Largest Political
Party. Intellectually honest, likes open discussion
The American Cause founded by
Pat Buchanan. Good analysis, I don't necessarily agree with conclusions
World Socialists - Interesting &
Want to add
a party/org/group/site to this list? newparty@democraticfundamentalism.org
Contact Info
States: Contacting Elected Officials Federal Government, Senate & House of Reps.,
State Government, Supreme Court, Sample LetterSites We
Agree With
Marijuana: Just The Facts