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What the GOP Really Says
The following is what the GOP Sends Out To Its People. It completely contradicts the administration's public statements about the politization of the Iraqi situation and almost every other issue

Aren't you glad SOMEONE can tell you the truth about what Republicans are doing?

9/23/2002 -

September 23, 2002

Dear Chuck,

President Bush's decisive leadership has united the American people in the face of extraordinary adversity. He is confronting the challenges of our time with bold resolve, and the American people have rallied behind his efforts to win the war on terror, protect our homeland, and strengthen our economy.

Proud The unprecedented support that President Bush has received
is a threat to the Democratic Party. So, while President Bush continues to advance his positive agenda for the American people, Democrats resort to misleading, negative attacks in hopes of eroding the overwhelming support the American people have for him and the work he is doing for them.

Democrats have even suggested that they will work to undo the President's tax cut if they regain the majority in the House and continue their majority in the Senate. Hillary Clinton recently said she doesn't "see any alternative." Meanwhile, Senate Democrats persist in their unprecedented rejection of the President's highly qualified judicial nominees, obstructing the administration of justice. Americans deserve better than this from the United States Senate.

I am proud that we have a President that stands firm in the face of threats to our nation and places the best interests of the American people over politics. Aren't you? If so, join me in displaying this bumper sticker that says "I am Proud Bush is Our President." You can place this on your car, in a window or on your desk at work but no matter where you put it everyone will know that you support our President and the work he is doing for the American people.

Your minimum contribution of $30 will help elect Republican candidates that will work with President Bush in advancing America's agenda and stop the Democrats from raising our taxes if they regain the majority in both the House and Senate. Get your bumper sticker today at http://www.rnc.org/proudofbush/ and let everyone know that you are proud that George W. Bush is our President.


Jack Oliver
Deputy Chairman
Republican National Committee

8/22/2002 - August 22, 2002

President Bush Works to Win the War, Voters Reject Negative Attacks

The American people are united behind President Bush's leadership in the war on terror and his efforts to work with members of both parties to enact his positive agenda. Time and again Americans have responded to his positive message and rejected the voices of division.

On Tuesday, Democrat primary voters in Georgia's 4th Congressional district repudiated Democrat Rep. Cynthia McKinney's baseless attacks on President Bush's war leadership and voted her out of office. The fact that rank-and-file Democrat primary voters rejected McKinney's attacks on President Bush speaks volumes. The Democrat strategy of attacking President Bush will not work in this election.

President Bush needs a Congress that will work with him to win the war on terror, secure our homeland, and create economic security. The American people expect results and have shown that by rejecting a candidate that divides rather than unites Americans in this time of war. In light of McKinney's outrageous statements, it is disappointing but not surprising that the House Democrat leadership in Washington, D.C. supported her reelection. While the House Democrat leadership will continue to look for ways to divide our nation, President Bush and Republicans in Congress will continue to work for results.

Reject the divisive politics of the Democrat party and make sure your voice is heard this campaign season by helping to elect a Republican majority in the House and Senate that will support President Bush's positive agenda. Sign up to be a GOP Team Leader to get active in your community today.

8/2/2002 - Democrats and Republicans agree with the President on the need to move quickly on creating an agency focused on protecting our homeland. The President put forward a plan for the new homeland security agency, the Republican lead House passed a plan but again the Democrat lead Senate broke its promise and failed to act. Make sure your community knows that you want the Democratic Leadership to put partisanship aside and support the President's agenda for America.

July 26, 2002

Senate Democratic Leadership Puts Partisanship Ahead of America's Seniors

This week the Senate Democratic leadership worked to kill a tri-partisan prescription drug bill that was crafted by Republicans, Democrats and Independent Senator Jim Jeffords. While Republicans in the Senate worked across party lines to enact a real prescription drug benefit for America's seniors, Democratic leaders put their own election year political interests ahead of the interests of seniors.

July 19, 2002

President Bush fights for corporate responsibility while Democrats play politics

President Bush has called for vigilant prosecution of corporate criminals to ensure that investors and workers maintain the highest confidence in American business. The President is working to protect small investors with tough new jail sentences for executives who deceive shareholders and the creation of a task force to make sure corporate criminals are prosecuted.

While the President offers constructive solutions, Democrats are trying to score election year, political points and the American people are seeing through their tactics. The Manchester Union Leader writes that "Democrats are obviously more concerned about scoring cheap political points than in quickly crafting legislation to tighten laws governing corporate behavior." The Washington Post calls the Democrat attacks on President Bush a "distraction."

The hypocritical and callous political games being played by the Democrats has now been exposed by recent news reports that say House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt wants to keep corporate scandals "on the political radar screen until November." While the American people continue to see the money invested for their children's education and their future retirement dwindle due to corporate bad actors, Democrats are more concerned with their own political gain. President Bush has taken decisive action to prosecute and punish corporate criminals. The Republican leadership in the House passed corporate reform in April.

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