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This thread has moved to this location. These Tuesday, May 21, 2002: Bush Thumbs His Nose At America, Again Mr. Bush has missed the point again, and like any spoiled child who's been found out, he's throwing a bully's tantrum to get even. When the planes attacked the World Trade Center, Americans had no real reason to believe that we were subject to imminent attack. The government did. But, instead of preparing America by educating us and enlisting our support and efforts, the attacks occurred without warning. Remember how many people stepped forward and said "If I'd known that was going on, I would have..."? Like all the farmers in Florida who received inquiries about crop dusters... the flight schools... chemical laboratories... you name it. Instead, the Bush Administration, like an adolescent that hasn't gotten over a father-son inadequacy complex, would prefer that we all sit like good little children while he does whatever he thinks is best. He likes secrecy, and no one to interfere with his desires. No lookin' over this cowboy's shoulder. That is not Democracy, that is dictatorship. It is not transparency, it is secrecy, and secrecy breeds distrust. That is not bi-partisanship, that's paranoid, alienating and divisive. If I am to trust the government to defend me, then I'd like to have a reason to trust them to do so. Bush has done nothing to earn my trust in this matter. On the contrary. The Bush response: Alright, you want alerts, you got 'em. So, until wiser, more mature leaders prevail, expect to hear a new sensational, uncorroborated terror report daily. To keep you afraid. To keep you in compliance. Don't let it make you more afraid. Besides, they're not telling you about what's really going on anyway. Mr. Bush, this is an opportunity, once again, to make partners of your fellow Americans. Educate us to assist in identifying terrorist activities. Don't slam terror threats upon us like a slap in the face. Do not continue to disrespect us and insult us with your terror-tactics. There is an uncorroborated report that we have a leader in Washington, DC. Show us some evidence of that report. So far, your tantrum has caused massive traffic tie-ups in New York, because a Guantanamo Bay detainee said he once heard someone mention the Brooklyn Bridge. People in Florida thought their water might be poisoned. All so you can play cover your ass and laugh at us. What will it be tomorrow? Meanwhile... Bush goes to Florida... May 20th... and has the audacity to challenge Fidel Castro to hold free elections.. Bush said... a direct quote "Show that you are willing to listen to the voices of the people and count their votes" Unbelievable. So, now, John Ashcroft announces that the Justice Department will now file suits against counties in Florida, Tennessee and Kentucky for election violations in the 2000 races. This, supposedly, will occur just before the elections so Republicans can claim they've fixed the problem (just like 911, eh?) Just like 911, though, they'll gloss over the point: the damage was done, and there's no reversing it. These suits will likely result in something less than a slap on the wrist to anyone involved. Don't be fooled. Shimon Peres has presented a "plan for peace" that would have the Palestinians accept regaining only 42% of the occupied territories. But then, the Likud said they didn't want a Palestinian State anyway. While the attention has been drawn to what happenend in Jenin, it appears things were much worse in Nablus. Polls in Palestinian territories shows that Arafat's popularity has slipped a bit since the Israeli incursions, but that there is really noone else with enough support to win an election against Arafat. Watch what Frank Luntz, Bush public opinion analyst and pollster, can do about that. He was involved in Venezuela as well. Sodium Cyanide can be very deadly... 19.5 tons of it were stolen from a hijacked truck in Mexico last week. This is a story that's being kept as quiet as possible. Sort of like the 200 pounds of c-4 explosives stolen from a Houston military armory the week after 911. In the Enron Case... it appears that Dick Cheney may have tried to assist Enron with its cashflow problems by allowing them to gouge California for energy. And, amidst the Enron, Andersen, Merrill Lynch and other accounting scandals now emerging, the Bush administration will attempt to kill reforms to standardize accounting practices. This according to Paul Krugman of the New York Times. Thursday, May 16, 2002: Truth Begins To Emerge It seems odd that the press, and America as a whole, is acting surprised by the reports of knowledge of potential plane attacks... but one detail of the whole 911 story, but an important one. Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-Ga) has been vindicated, at least to the extent of justifying her calls for investigations leading to the WTC attacks and those individuals and corporations who stood to gain substantially from the results of the attacks... presumably related to the Afghani-pipeline deal sought by Unocal. On April 11th, 2002, McKinney said "What is undeniable is that corporations close to the administration have directly benefited from the increased defense spending arising from the aftermath of September 11th. America's credibility, both with the world and with her own people, rests upon securing credible answers to these questions." Tom Daschle sounds off about how Dick Cheney urged him on numerous occasions to promise there would be no investigations whatsoever about the events leading up to the September 11th attacks. Republicans say they were made aware of the warnings - Democrats claim they were left unaware. Sounds sort of like the same administration that doesn't want to talk to congress, provide information about energy policy or inform or discuss post-911 policy and administration, coups against democratic nations.... let alone a shadow government. Speaking of American credibility: BBC News last night presented an in-depth report on how "America's political system is being poisoned by money". The final remark of the report proclaimed, "All this in Washington D.C., home of the finest politicians that money can buy". See what's going on in the rest of the world! Tuesday, May 14, 2002: Propaganda or Just Plain Lies Jimmy Carter's trip to Cuba is underscoring one clear fact: our government is afraid, to the point of paranoia, of almost every other nation in the world. John Bolton, under-secretary of state, made a statement that Cuba has been developing and exporting biological weapons technology. Carter says, the state department briefing he had before going to Cuba stated that there was no evidence of Cuba's involvement with bioterrorism and bio-weaponry. Carter says Bolton must have made the remark to overshadow his trip to Cuba. Colin Powell says, there is no evidence that Cuba is involved in bioterrorism or research. But, that Bolton must have been referring to our suspicion that Cuba has the capacity and would be capable of such research. So is my next door neighbor. Nonetheless, the press (led by the idiots at MSNBC) is making it out like Carter is making statements that discredit the Bush administration. The only thing discrediting the Bush Administration is the lies they keep telling. Speaking of propaganda lies... President Clinton made a remark in passing on NPR, in regard to whether Al Gore will run for the presidency... he said... "Gore, of course would be the front-runner... course, some people think he won in Florida.. and I'm one of them." MSNBC featured this remark in a story as proof that Clinton was "Bush-Bashing". The story took at least 4 times longer than the remark Clinton made. The announcer remarked: "Clinton talking about the last election? What's that about?" Dear MSNBC: It's about election
fraud. And, oh, by the way If you ever wondered what political party MSNBC represents, wonder no more. For the record: the point I was just making was not about Clinton, Gore or Carter: it was about propaganda, and governmental disinformation in order to control the discussion and public opinion. Once an image is set in your mind, it must be disproven. Whatever image gets there first is reality. Lies are very useful in distorting first impressions on a variety of subjects and people. They are effective, even when later proven to be lies. The key to lies and propaganda is that there is usually a thread of truth: but it's been manipulated to make it seem like something other than it is. A lie of omission. Spin. Nothing is quite so concise or eloquent as a bit of propaganda phrased so perfectly that a complex issue seems simple, cut and dry, black and white. When you hear that kind of phrasing, know there is more behind the story, and that the person communicating to you is biasing the report. An example of propaganda is the fact that this web site refuses to refer to George Bush, Jr. as president, as we ordinarily would. Such as President Clinton, President Gore... A vigilant approach to continuing our protest of the elections of 2000. But, at least we have truth on our side. Propaganda is a Homeland Security system whose actual purpose is a mystery, an administration that refuses to answer questions, and weekly terror alerts based on information from a captured Al Qaeda leader who the government discredits a couple days after each alert. But, the important thing is, they reinforce the concept that Americans are in danger, and thus, cause Americans to give absolute authority to the federal government. Now, it's a reportedly probable nuclear "dirty bomb" attack. Or an attack on a nuclear power plant. On the 4th of July (how appropriate and convenient that the evil terrorists would threaten another symbol of freedom. Didn't they say that last year too?). Right before the elections. While I find it difficult to believe anyof this government's formal communications, the fact is, if we have knowledge of possible attacks and allow them, wouldn't that pretty much firm up the support Bush needs to get an all Republican Senate? Sorry to be so cynical. Time will tell. Americans are easy to scare. Why? Because we have never been told about what is really going on. Like: have you noticed all the train wrecks lately? Is that normal? The bomb found in the Philadelphia mailbox yesterday was but one of about 300 that blow up every year. Thousands of suspicious packages are reported. And the package found today in another box was a pair of sneakers. The mailman wasn't concerned, but a neighborhood woman was. It was interesting watching the bomb squad. We live in a time when our government is asking for absolute trust and authority. In a time when we can't trust the Catholic Church to put people's needs over the business of running a church. But see, nothing of what I just mentioned has anything to do with the actual flaws of institutions. It has to do with people, human beings, intrinsically flawed individuals. To err is human. The problem is not acknowledging that humans make mistakes, and therefore, that humans should be questioned. Not out of paranoia. In business, we would call it due diligence. Make fact-based, not biased opinions, the reality. Question what you are reading now. It's healthy. For the record, we wish to remain neutral about the problems in the Catholic Church, and simply say that it is sad. But it's not just limited to the Catholic Church. And there are many more people doing good in the clergy than are falling prey to their flaws. The same could be said about Israelis, Palestinians, the Supreme Court and every one of us. Not a defense. Just an acknowledgement. What there is to learn is from it all is that absolute power corrupts absolutely, transparency causes justice, truth gives truth, honor promotes honor. In the Middle East: Rabbi Michael Melchior, Israels deputy foreign minister and an advocate of withdrawal from the occupied territories, says You cannot deal with the Middle East without dealing with identities and narratives, including the myths we have about each other. The issue doesnt disappear because you ignore it; it blows up in your face. CNN's Wolf Blitzer talks to Yasser Arafat Ariel Sharon Speaks to Israeli Lawmakers. he said the Palestinian Authority must undergo extensive reform and that there must be a "complete cessation of terrorism, violence and incitement" before peace negotiations can proceed. Sharon said he envisioned the possibility of progress between both peoples in years to come. "There cannot be any peace with a dictatorial, corrupt and tyrannical regime. This has to be a different authority." Does this mean he's going to resign? The latest approach: Use the U.S. example of Puerto Rico as a way to end the Palestinian situation. Let the Palestinians govern themselves, so long as they are not able to make treaties with enemies of Israel and cannot buy weapons. Once again, the blemishes on America's face are being used against us by Israel. Large Tel Aviv Rally Calls for Pullout From Territories. More than 50,000 attend.Other U.S. News A White House E-Mail regarding U.S. energy policy says that report writers were 'Desperate to Avoid CA' because of allegations of Enron's price fixing in the California energy crisis. Daschle calls it a crime. There's even more compelling evidence of the FBI's knowledge of potential terrorist activites directly related to the 911 Attacks. Monday, May 13, 2002: On the Other Side of the Coin Israel's majority party Likud rejected the idea of an independent Palestinian state on Sunday... Warning: Don't judge the book by its cover. This is an interesting setup. First, notice that the Israelis have now stated openly to the world that they absolutely oppose a Palestinian state.. their right to existence... Note that the Arab nations surrounding them have repeatedly stated they do not accept Israel's right to existence. Are we still supposed to feel sorry for the Israelis, now guilty of the same moral and ethical crimes once perpetrated against them? Meanwhile, Shimon Peres goes on CNN and says "it may have been a mistake to not have offered a Palestinian State straight up" in the Oslo accords. And, the Likud vote is supposed to be a defeat for peacemaker Ariel Sharon, who is now being set up to look like the "good guy" to the rest of the world. Remember, though, that Sharon said himself, less than a week ago, that discussing a Palestinian State is premature, and it would be at least 18 months before it could be discussed. (Just about the time his term is over) George Bush says "it's all politics"... one of the few times I agree with him. But the politics - well learned by the Israelis from the regime in Washington DC - is one of deception. A 5-step program, if you will. 1) Do something really horrible 2) Act like those who disagree are stupid and uninformed 3) Disseminate propaganda to dominate the public discourse and discredit critics 4) Refuse to agree to anything that would expose or hinder your position 5) Repeat the Bush Doctrine, over and over... "Oh, yeah? What are you going to do about it? What might be most telling, though, is again in Peres' statements, when he stated that it would be in Israel's best interest if there was a Palestinian State, and if the armed forces in the Palestinian population were consolidated under one command. Think about that. If Israel was able to directly blame the PLA for the actions of Hamas and the Hezbollah and many other cells in the Palestinian territories, then they would have the excuse they need to commit genocide and rid themselves of the Palestinian problem altogether. This, in the same way the U.S. Government had all the intelligence they needed to have known about 911... but preventing the attack would have deprived of us the reason to bomb Afghanistan. The moral, provoke the attack, allow it to happen, strike back on the (not so) moral high ground. So, Israel, you've learned well from our leaders. Now, as with the U.N. Inspectors, you stand there and challenge us with lies and deceptions and the phrase, "What are you going to do about it?" Israel is making the same mistakes as the U.S.: offend the world, claim moral high ground, dare someone to do something about it... sooner or later, someone will. And it will be your own fault for creating the circumstances for your own persecution. Its time for the American people to begin questioning the legitimacy of aid to Israel and to hold Israel to the standards it demands of other peoples and countries to be good citizens of the world. To put forward peace plans that are fair to all, and not reflecting their military ability to enforce those policies that benefit only them and oppress other peoples. Our money should not be paying for the evil of their paranoia, nor should we allow it to be taken advantage of by those who are not concerned with the negative effects their actions have on us around the world. Speaking of Propaganda... Bill Clinton turned Bob Dole into an impotent political challenger by befriending him. So, when George Bush wants to discredit his political opponents: Let Jimmy Carter go to Cuba. Then, be sure there are numerouse Republican advisors to comment on Jimmy Carter's "naivete", his lack of knowledge and inability to solve the Middle East Crisis. Then, plant reports that Carter is criticizing the Bush Administration, and making claims that Cuba, in fact, does not have biological weapons. For the record, Carter said none of those things. All Carter said was "The scientists (in Cuba) have said that they do not have biological weapons". Why pick on Carter? Read more. Next, send Bill Clinton to East Timor, and then see what happens.... Tomorrow: The Propaganda leading to the 2002 elections. Communicate With The Government Contact President Bush -- <president@whitehouse.gov> White House switchboard: (202) 456-1414 Contact your Senator -- http://www.senate.gov/senators/senator_by_state.cfm Contact your Representative -- http://www.house.gov/house/MemberWWW.html House and Senate switchboard: (202) 224-3121 Links to Central Government Agencies -- http://www.firstgov.gov/ See what's going on in the rest of the world! |
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