1 - The News and Advertising: How You're Being Fooled Everyday
Part 1a - Now, this will make more sense
How Phil Donahue is Being
People keep asking me "How can you have a boycott of MSNBC, and
still recommend that we tune it in for Phil Donahue?"
Part Ib - How Can A Government Use
Part 1c - When Propaganda is Used to Make You Think Things Are True When They Aren't, What
Can Your Government Do? by John Dean, Former White House Counsel to
Richard Nixon. He was the whistle-blower in Watergate.
Part II - How the Bush Administration Uses
Coming August 4th
II - Why People Voted for George Bush
"Slander" by Anne Coulter - What the Book Is Intended to
The content and timing of the release of this book was perfectly planned to publicly
diminish the image of Democrats for the upcoming elections. It is, indeed, slander,
and full of propagandist lies.
From the woman who engineered the impeachment of Bill Clinton, and caused us to spend
$70 million dollars to do it. Possibly the United States' greatest master of
propaganda.. At least, she thinks so.